Racing at the BSC

Burnham Sailing Club has a rich and varied racing calendar spanning most of the year, catering for juniors, dinghies, keelboats and cruisers alike. Our regular club racing has recently been split into a new Tuesday evening race series, catering specifically for our dinghy fleet. Dedicated to dinghies to enable more competitive and tailored racing, it’s open to our junior and adult sailors that are ready to race. Our traditional Wednesday night racing now caters for Blazes, keelboats and cruisers. The addition of Tuesday evening racing also allows competitors to take part in both evenings if they wish so that nobody misses out!

The club also hosts a monthly Saturday Series for both cruisers and dinghies, allowing the opportunity for more flexible racing. Throughout the season the club also hosts various training and open events – please keep an eye on the calendar for details. As the season changes, the Autumn Series for cruisers begins, a series on Sundays that’s also open to non-members. Entering December, the short Nutcracker series for cruisers begins, open to members and non-members that are brave enough to face the freeze, and completes the year.

Dates for racing can be found via club calendar and details for racing can be found within the relevant Sailing Instructions and Notices of Race on the website.

Please contact with any questions.
Course Card
2024 Course Card Iss2 L
2024 Course Card Iss2 P
Notice of Race
2024 Saturday Cruiser Racing V1
2024 Tuesday Racing V1
2024 Wednesday Racing_V1
Racing Calendar
BSC Calendar 2024
Sailing Instructions
2024 Club Racing V4
2024 Saturday Cruiser Racing V1
2024 Weekend Dinghy racing V1